Sunday, January 24, 2010

Moments from our life...

Grandmommy invited Leslie over one night for a special Gingerbread House building session. It took longer than expected, but I think they did a great job!

I was playing on the floor one afternoon with the girls when Leslie picked up the Magna Doodle and told me she was going to draw a monkey. I told her it sounded like a great idea... then she showed it to me. I was expecting some indiscriminate squiggles, or a circle with lines out of it for limbs at best, but she turned the Magna Doodle around and revealed what I consider to be the best monkey picture ever drawn by a 3 year old!

It had a separate head and body, which is impressive enough, but then it also had a big circle for its cheeks and circles for the ears, all in correct proportion and position. I could not have been more surprised or awed at her artistry! While I went to find the camera, she drew a picture of Dora to the right. Not as recognizable as the monkey, but still good nonetheless. I might have a little artist daughter yet...

This is a "cake" that Leslie made last Saturday morning for Calla's birthday. It was super cute, sweet and fun, but mysteriously, Leslie only used Calla's toys. So while Leslie's toys were all still available for play, Calla's were held hostage in the sculpture all day...

Barry told me that Leslie announced she's going to go back to New York City with Grandmommy and PaPa to go to the cake show. I was so proud!

All of the toys are decorations on it, except the toy she's holding, that was the knife. Be very careful, it's sharp...

My brother, Ben, doesn't use his Wii anymore, so we're housing it for a while. Barry and I were playing Frisbee Golf one afternoon when Calla woke up from her nap. She's usually pretty cranky at first and won't let you put her down, so Barry decided to teach her how to play some Wii...

She seemed to like it alot, but Leslie had a ton of fun with it. Frisbee Golf gave her a little bit of trouble, even with Daddy's help. But, Barry turned on sword fighting for them to play and discovered she was a natural...

Presenting HRH Calla and her Cinderella wand...

This is a pretty good picture of Calla getting her entire paci in her mouth. All of her caregivers are always amazed. If you look close, you can actually see the stream of drool flowing down her chin...

I wasn't fast enough, but she did have her paci entirely inside her mouth and her lips closed. She's going to be a sad little girl when those teeth start coming in...

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