Monday, January 11, 2010

Abernathy Christmas...

Saturday after Christmas, we all went to Abernathy to have Christmas with Barry's family. Here are all the grandkids in front of the tree Saturday night...

MiMi is famous for fruit in the stockings. This year we were surprised with tangerines. Most people put them back in the fruit bowl, but Calla LOVED hers. She would chew on one until it started juicing too much, then we handed her a fresh one to start again! She went through about 5 I think...

She was hamming it up for the camera this weekend...

Mam-maw bought this new car puzzle track. It was pretty amazing. Paw-paw and Calla enjoyed it the most I think. Paw-Paw would make a crazy track, then Calla would put the car down and watch to go...

Calla loving on her Mam-maw some...

Princess Calla with her first crown...

Holly and Leslie got to help make breakfast for everyone...

Cousin Holly and Calla sure did like playing together! It was nice having all these big kids around to play with Calla. I know she loved the attention, and I'm sure Leslie loved the break!

Sunday afternoon, EVERYONE came over to Mam-maw's for lunch and presents. And of course, I was stuck dealing with my eldest... Leslie woke up Saturday complaining that "she just wants to go home" (which is not an unusual request for her on overnight trips.) We didn't think much of it, but as the day carried on, Leslie got crankier and crankier. I think she finally willed a sickness and fever on herself. She wouldn't even let me put her down. So, all day, I was stuck holding her while everyone else ate and drank and opened presents. They got all the little kids together for a picture and I plopped Leslie down at the last minute, just so we'd have record of her being there. You can see how good she felt...

I don't know what was going on because she has never acted like that before. We finally forced some Advil down her before we got in the car, and by the time we loaded up, she was fine! Yet another crazy adventure on this ride we call, The Brauchi Experience. Like the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland, you never get the same adventure twice!

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