Saturday, October 24, 2009

Red Playground with the family

Barry's niece and nephew live in Odessa with their mom, so anytime Donna comes out, she usually tries to go pick them up for a bit and let all the kiddos play together. So after dinner, we all loaded up and went down the street to the Red Playground. Calla and I enjoyed the swings and watching all the big kids play on the big playground...

Daddy lovin' on his baby girl...

I feel so guilty that we usually have Calla stay in the stroller while Leslie gets to go play, so today, we made a conscience effort to let Calla play some too. Here she is flying solo down the slide. Like her sissy, she's a big fan of the slides...

The bigger the better!

"Now that's what I've been waiting for!"

I should have zoomed this picture in before I posted it, but if you look close, you can see that Leslie's hair is flying straight out all around from the static. She looked hilarious...

Calla even enjoyed the big straight slide. Although, it did not get a big a smile out of her like the twisty one did!

And finally, here is a Brauchi family picture...

There was also some pretty serious monkey bar-ing and a mega game of chase/tag played too. It was an incredibly busy day for the girls (this was after the farm in the morning.) I could not believe how well behaved and happy they both were. Calla's a bit more flexible than Leslie was/is, but even Leslie was really well behaved all day. It is so amazing and sweet to see how well Leslie can play with older kids and how much they all enjoyed each other. Needless to say, they both slept well that night!

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