Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fiddlesticks Farm...

Last weekend Barry's mom came down to visit, and we all piled in the car to go to Fiddlesticks Farm. It's a place outside of town that has a "maize," pumpkin patch and a bunch of other activities for the kiddos. It was a really nice and sunny day, but it started off cold with the wind, so I bundled Calla up and made her wear her hat which was also to help with sun protection...

Here's Leslie on the "Corn Popper." It's a huge bouncy pillow on the ground. It was a big hit with children and adults. Leslie kept coming over to me tattling that the bigger kids were bouncing too big and making her fall off. So, I let her take her socks off so she could get better traction and climb back up the hill a little easier. It seemed to make her happy enough. Barry got a great mid-air shot...

Here we are on the "Cow Train." It's a bunch of barrels painted like cows pulled around by a tractor. Mommy's belly was too ginormous to fit in with Leslie last year, but I rode it with her this year. It's horribly uncomfortable, but I thought it had be even worse for Barry, and Leslie LOVED it...

Leslie did so well the entire day. She was a ton of fun and just generally happy and easy going. She did tucker out a bit in the "Maize," but between Barry and me, we got through it just fine. It's nice to hold her every once in a while...

We went through the bigger "Maize" which is why we anticipated carrying her some. Although, I think we conquered it in record time! Our secret weapon? Calla. The stroller made it very obvious which path was not right because the dirt wasn't packed, and we couldn't even travel down it. Between the stroller and the helper questions at key turns, we made it through pretty quick. When we finished, Leslie got to ring the bell...

We took so many pictures of the girls together and as an entire family, but this is the only one we could even pretend was decent. At least we have a digital camera! I don't know how anyone took pictures of kiddo's without one!

Leslie drove around some in the bus...

I wish I would have gotten how tall this slide was... It's HUGE. Barry and Leslie went down it several times, so finally I decided I wanted a turn with her, too. So I grabbed my potato sack sheet and made the trek to the top. It was really high... but I couldn't be sissy and turn around now with my three year old waiting to climb on my lap. So, I sat down, put Leslie on my lap, and down we went... It was not fun. I screamed like a baby the entire way down and told Barry he could do it with her from now on...

We had to ride the cow train twice...

Daddy taking his turn carrying Leslie through the "Maize..."

Daddy taking us all on a ride. Calla had to ride on the back...

It was alot of fun. Hopefully, we can get back out there again this fall! It's so amazing seeing how different Leslie is and how much she has grown and matured since last year. As fun as she is, I still remain firm in the fact- they grow up way too fast...

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