Friday, October 2, 2009

Random Leslie Pictures...

I came home the other night to find Barry playing with the girls in Leslie's room. I went to take a picture with Leslie and Barry said he had finally taught her how to smile properly (since she's been struggling with it the last year and a half!) So he kept telling her, "Smile like I taught you!" and somehow things must have been lost in translation, because this smile is all we got...

Barry tried taking a picture with Leslie the other night, but he made her mad because she was watching TV...

So, he decided to have some fun with the pictures anyways...

She was unfazed...

As long as he didn't make her miss "Super Why"...

Leslie's taking dance this fall and we finally got her to show us some of her moves. This is her doing toe taps...

And some big stomps...

They also learn ballet. She makes her "feet smile" then bends over and picks up a "biiiiiiiig puppy" and then lets it go...

I don't believe she's so big. I just want to hold her and squeeze her all day because before long, I know she won't let me.

1 comment:

  1. Ben also loves Super Why! :) I feel the same way about my little man. They grow up too fast!!!!!
