Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Fun...

As you probably know, Leslie was "Ariel with fins" for Halloween. I was really happy with how well her costume came out. Here's the best picture I got of Leslie in her costume. We just did red and orange ribbons in her hair instead of a wig. She got to wear her costume Monday for a Halloween Party in her Dance class and again on Friday for trick-or-treating around Daddy's work. It was nice to get a little more wear out of it than one night...

She's trying to give up her naps, but as you can see, she still needs one most days. This is only the second time she has ever fallen asleep in the car (except big road trips,) and the other time, she was only 18 months-ish! Trick-or-treating around work was too much fun...

Here we are with the finished costumes before we headed out...

Calla even left her "halo" on all night without any trouble. Just got to keep her distracted!

Here's a shot of Calla's wings. The fact that they were so tiny, made her costume even more adorable I think...

We went to First Baptist's Trunk-or-Treat. Leslie went to maybe 5 cars for candy, and then ditched that mess for the real fun... the jumpers! She jumped and jumped in every one they had. This is what Halloween is all about for her...

I tried to get a couple of them together, but they never like to take good pictures together, so this is the best we managed...

I was letting Calla crawl away so Barry could get a picture of her wings, and she turned around right as he took it. This is such a good picture of Calla! I love it! My sweet little angel...

I love dressing them up! I'm going to have to start making more of their clothes. Where is the line between costume and regular clothes if they wear "costumes" everyday? We had a great Halloween! I can't wait until next year!...

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