Saturday, October 24, 2009

Extra Calla Moments...

Calla had to wear socks and shoes to start the day off because it was cold outside at the farm. She just couldn't figure these things out...

Leslie got her baby trike out of her closet, and Calla ended up pushing it all over the house...

So, I told Daddy to give her a little ride. Her legs just aren't quite long enough yet...

So I got out her baby scooter/walker. She didn't want to ride it, so I made it into a walker for her. She pushes big toys and chairs all over the house, but I still have to watch her with the quick wheels. She's growing up too fast...

Calla trying to wave neighbors down to help her escape. Sorry baby- you're stuck with us...

1 comment:

  1. lol - R has been barefoot for a long time, too and has recently reacted the same way to me putting socks on her. :)
