Friday, October 16, 2009


This is what I did every Saturday we were home while Barry watched the girls/college football...

Calla is going to be an angel. Her costume is pretty simple- just a robe with elastic at the neck and wrists. I sewed some ribbon on the bottom, and that cord will tie under her chest. For as easy as her costume was, I also made the largest mistake on hers... long dresses curve up on the sides along the bottom. Makes perfect since once I stopped to think about it, but it was too late. Every dress I've made for Leslie was short, so it was straight across. So... Calla's dress has pointy sides. It's not horribly noticeable, and at the end of the day, it is just a Halloween costume. Next time I'll know! Since this photo was taken, I have added little wings on the back. They are super cute!

Here I am the next Saturday. Instead on watching Tech football, I sewed. (Probably why we sucked so big starting the season!) Leslie insisted on being "Ariel with fins." I was not excited about it because every Ariel I've seen looks dumb and tacky, but after asking some other sewers and looking on-line, I was confident I could make it into something cute. I couldn't find a pattern I liked however, so I free styled it using some of her clothes for sizing like I have before. Here I am pinning on the blue ruffles around the waist. I'm not sure what Leslie thought she was doing, but I am confidant that she honestly thought she was helping.

I love her so much! Sweet girl...

It was delayed for a while with the outbreak and all, but I finally finished it last Saturday. This is the best picture we could get out of her...

I still have to make bows for both girls and figure out shoes, but the bulk of the work is done! I'm super happy and proud with how well they both turned out! I love having little girls!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great job on the costumes- Martha Stewart would be proud! :) They look just adorable- can't wait to see the finished product (with the anticipation of candy)!
