Sunday, October 25, 2009

Calla at the Pumpkin Patch...

Mom and Mitch took Leslie to the Tech game last weekend while Barry and I stayed home with Calla. We made a special effort to go do some things with just her. So we put on her Halloween dress, and off to the Pumpkin Patch we went! This is a little one in town that we took Leslie to when she was a baby, not the big farm one. She was so happy and smiling the entire time. It was easy to get alot of good pictures of her...

It was such a blessing to have a day with Calla as an only child. It makes up realize that maybe Calla isn't such a high maintenance baby compared to Leslie, maybe it's just that the addition of Leslie in the mix makes everything more... intense. We had alot of fun at the Pumpkin Patch and then went to play on some slides at the Red Playground and even out to eat- followed by a shopping trip! She could not have been any easier the entire day. She did give me a bit of a struggle leaving that ribbon on her head, but luckily, the Pumpkin Patch was way more distracting than the craziness going on on her head! It was a good day! I love my baby!

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