Saturday, October 17, 2009

Intro to Watercolor...

I got some watercolors for Leslie last week, and she LOVES them. She's actually pretty good at them, too. She didn't mix colors or make a mess with the water. And, she managed to paint a very beautiful picture to top it off...

She asked me to help her draw a flower, so I told her draw a circle for the middle and a line for the stem etc... but she actually did it all herself...

Calla really wanted to get in on the fun...

Here's the final masterpiece! I think it is amazing for her first time... She doesn't even color with crayons this well! Maybe I'll get an arts and crafter out of her yet!

She also painted this picture that night... You can see how well she's starting to make her letters. She can write her entire name legibly except the "s." It always looks a little funky, but it's a hard one! She's learning all sorts of different letter shapes. I'm so extremely proud of my big girl!

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