Monday, September 22, 2008

U. Mass Game

We made it back to Lubbock this weekend to watch Tech "shellac" the University of Massachusetts. Leslie LOVES LOVES LOVES football games. Every morning she wakes up saying, "I go football game!" Finally, on Saturday her request was answered... Barry went to dress her and from the other room I hear, "I love my jersey. I love my Tech jersey. I love my big Tech jersey! I go see Uncle Willy! I do Jasmine and Dora puzzles at football game!" She doesn't like watching the actual game, but everything else is just like a big old party for her. She eats cookies and reads books and does puzzles all afternoon. I guess I'd like traveling alot too if everywhere I went people smiled at me and told me how adorable I was:)

Between football games and our regular 2 hour wait times at the pediatrician, we thought we would invest in this "kid tough" DVD player for her. It definitely served its purpose getting us through the final quarter...

I strongly recommend one for anyone who has a sickly child and uses Dr Nabulsi:)

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