Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sick Baby

Leslie woke up from her nap Saturday with a temp of 101.7. She was very sad all evening and none of the medicines I gave her helped bring it down. It was a long, sad evening of movies and Dora for the Brauchi's...

She woke up Sunday without a fever acting fine. However, she still wasn't eating well and was just in a horrible mood by dinner every night, so I finally gave in and took her to the doctor yesterday. Left ear infection.
The doctor chuckled when he saw us walk in and said, "I guess winter came early this year." Leslie is notoriously and constantly sick every winter. We were hoping this one would be better...


  1. Poor both look so sad :(

  2. She looks so cute in the picture where she's laying on your lap. I can't believe how much she looks like you did as a kid. She's beautiful even when she's sick! I hope she feels better soon!
