Sunday, September 14, 2008

Funny moments

I wish I could have a video camera going all the time to catch Leslie's funny little moments. Here's a couple of last week's best...

Mom's been really sick with migraines this last week, so I ended up making Will's birthday cake. Leslie came in the kitchen as I was taking out the beaters and getting ready to pour the mix into the pan. She looked at what was going on and said very matter-of-factly, almost confrontationaly, "That's my chocolate. I eat that." I told her it was for Uncle Willy, and she kept repeating herself, "That's my chocolate. I eat that" like I just wasn't understanding what she was saying. I ended up letting her lick the spatula and that was enough chocolate to meet her demands. Funny baby.

I always read books with Leslie before bed. It seems to become exponentially harder every night as my belly grows, and Leslie loses lap room. I was trying to readjust tonight and get us comfortable for her last book, and she got all antsy and didn't like that I was trying to move her. So she moved back to her usual spot on my lap and started telling me to open my legs. I thought she didn't like that I had them crossed opposite as usual, so I switched them and tried to start reading. But she kept saying , "No- open" so I just uncrossed my legs entirely and once again tried to start our final book. But that was not what she wanted... So, she said, "No mommy. Abre! Abre!" ("open" in Spanish) I opened my legs and let her sit on the little bit of chair between them, and she was happy. I guess at least she's learning something for Dora:)

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