Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sleepy games

Here's some cute pictures I took last night while I was playing on the computer and Barry and Leslie watched and waited...

Here's Leslie lounging on the bed with her daddy...

Here she is playing the "Night-Night Wake-up!" game and having Daddy "pat her bottom."

This was a very popular game around our house until I picked her up after school one day and the teacher told me Leslie got in trouble at nap time for pouncing on all the kids and yelling "Wake-up! Wake-up!" We've had to introduce some more constructive games into her playtime that won't get her sent to time-out:)

And when all else fails, she pats her own bottom to help her go to sleep:)

The kid loves to sleep! Wonder who she got that from?


  1. i am guessing she got it from her momma HAHA :)

  2. I can't get over how dang cute she is! She got that from her Mommy too! :o)
