Sunday, September 14, 2008

Football season opener

We finally made it to a Tech football game this last Saturday. It was a night game, but we woke up early and left so we could get some shopping done in Lubbock and have Will's birthday lunch.

Leslie (who is usually not a get up and go morning person) was all smiles all morning. She loves wearing her "big t-shirt" #5 Crabtree (Tech's amazing reciever) jersey, and she loves having her hair up in little Princess Leia type pig tails. Here's a picture of her before we left that morning...

She was amazingly good for the game. Like a typical girl, she thought the actual football portion of the game rather boring, but she loved watching all the pregame show.

Here she is wearing her Crab hat (for #5 Crabtree.) She makes crab hands, too, but i couldn't ever catch a picture.

After the game, we went back to the bus and had a snack and changed into PJ's before hitting the road. She took a picture with Uncle Willy since it was his birthday.

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