Monday, September 29, 2008

Hidden Ability

For those who don't know, Leslie hates to color. Anytime I get the crayons out, she spends the entire time sorting them and dumping them from one container to the other. We can always tell which paper is her's at school or Sunday School because the only mark on it is where her teacher wrote her name. The only way I can get her to color is to threaten putting them up. And even then, she doesn't actually try to go in different directions... or even look at the paper most times. Hates, hates, hates to color.

However, she might be hiding some natural ability yet. I guess I just haven't inspired her in the right way because she found a pencil this last weekend and made beautiful pictures on several walls and tiles around the house. Drawing not only her regular lines but big circles too! I made her help me clean it up (which I think she thought was kind of fun) and she definitely knows it was naughty and will get a spanking if she does it again. But, part of me can't help but rejoice in the small glimmer of hope that I might have a coloring buddy after all. I wish the pictures turned out better because this was by far her best art work to date. Hopefully, I can get some recreations in the near future... only on paper this time.


  1. how in the world did you find an eraser that big?

  2. lol - Too cute! There is hope for a coloring buddy yet! :)
