Sunday, September 7, 2008

So we're having a....

We had our Fetal Echo Cardiogram (fancy ultrasound) last Thursday to get a better look at the baby, specifically the heart. Everything looked really good as far they could tell at this gestation. The nurse had to incline the table back to try and convince the baby to move. As I have suspected for the last several weeks, the baby is curled up in a ball laying on the bottom of my uterus, using the "placenta as a pillow." She laughed alot and said that was very weird and even showed me the vast amount of room the baby has to move into should it ever decide to expand its horizons a little. Don't ask me why my belly/uterus is expanding if the baby isn't using it. I always thought the expansion was caused by the internal pressure of a growing fetus, but evidently there are other factors. I broke out a pair of maternity pants that sit really low below my belly to try and put the squeeze on the little one and convince it to move up a little. I'll let you know how it turns out...

So, we will go back to this special doctor October 16th when a Pediatric Cardiologist from Dallas Children's Hospital comes down and let him look at everything again and make sure we have a perfectly healthy little baby. The baby was measuring right- to the exact day. We got alot of funny pictures of big feet and long fingers, but here is the only one anyone really cares about...

"Two lines and no dangly parts"

It's not as definitive to me as Leslie's sono was because we got a between the legs shot with her, and this baby has only offered through the legs shots, but the nurse and doctor were both pretty convinced. We'll have plenty of other chances to check again for those holding out for a boy.

Barry and I, however, are super happy to be having another little princess running around. After four brothers, I've had my fill of tee-ball games and Ninja Turtles. I'm excited to get a few dance recitals and Disney Princesses into the mix. And Barry would be happy with either, but I've always said it takes a special type of man to be a good girl's daddy and he is the best I've seen. He even said maybe this time around he'll learn how to to do hair:) yeah- right!

It's funny how your thoughts and attitude change once you find out the gender of your child. It goes from being this... thing, that I really don't feel any personal connection with, and then in an instant, it transforms into being my daughter. I love her already. It went from being this crazy, boisterous little boy practicing to be a punter with my insides- into a sweet, precious, fragile baby girl just having some trouble perfecting her twirls.

Leslie has mentioned several times this weekend that she needs a little sister to play with her. We were talking about what all she would do with the baby like give her a bottle and teach her how to do puzzles and Leslie mentioned change diapers. (I've been telling Leslie she needs to learn to use the potty because the baby will be in diapers and she needs to show her how to be a big girl, etc...) So, Leslie said she would help change diapers and I asked her if she would "change the tee-tee ones?" and Leslie said "Yes." Then I asked if she was going the "change the poopy ones too?" and she hesitated a moment and got a funny smile on her face then said "No, Mommy change poopies." Funny Leslie.

I love being pregnant. I love being a mom. And I am excited to meet this little one and give Leslie the playmate she feels she so desperately needs.


  1. Awww yeah! I'm happy for y'all! I know what you mean about knowing the gender making it feel more real. I love it!

  2. Awww another little princess - Congratulations - I can't wait to see what a gorgeous thing this one will be !! You do such a great job w/ Leslie - I can't wait to see you as a mommy of two !! Congrats and I totally understand about what it feels like to know what you're having - it instantly changes into this little being with a real personality - You instantly know how much you love her / him - or both in my case... any ideas for names ? Any trips to Houston in the near future ?

  3. Erin my love! I'm so happy you have a blog too! Congratulations!! I miss you guys like crazy and I can't believe how big Leslie is now! Where does the time go? It sounds like you've been through a lot and I hope you and the baby stay healthy and strong! Love you!

  4. I have to hear about your growing family through a third party:(
    Congratulations! I bet Grammy and Binx are excited. Leslie looks a lot like you did as a pup. What a cutie pie. I hope you are dribbling her head on a daily basis. I know how much you loved that! Maybe this next one will look like Barry.
    Come see us again and we will go to Disneyland.
    Love to all, Aunt Pat
