Monday, September 22, 2008

Big girl bed

At almost 2 1/2yrs old, we finally took the side off of Leslie's crib yesterday. It has a front rail piece we added on to keep her from rolling out, and I left the bumper pads up for now since she likes to snuggle up against them. It's been a surprisingly easy transition. I've had zero trouble with her getting up. She slept in this morning, but I am a little anxious on how things are going to play out when decides to wake up at 7:15am and I can't leave her in her bed to play until what I consider a more appropriate time:) She's such a big girl...

Now if only I can get her out of diapers!


  1. lol - We have the big kid bed thing down. Now the diapers are another story. Wish us luck! I intend to make the big push starting first thing tomorrow. No more diapers for my 3 year old... how many messes does that mean for me?

  2. Oh how I hate potty training! I hope Austin is easier than Ava was! Leslie is SOOOO cute! Oh and I tagged you so go check out my blog! Love you!
