Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Times...

We have already had a great summer break! We took a break for the end of May and were just lazy... then bored. But with June came many fun activities.

Leslie went to Princess School the first week at the local Ballet Studio. They watched a movie, danced, and did a craft everyday. She had so much fun! And at the end of the week I told her she was ready to become a princess, but to do that, she either had to marry a prince or have Daddy buy her a kingdom. She ran over to Barry, wrapped her arms around him and said, "Oh yes Daddy! Will you buy me a kingdom?"

The second week was filled with Vacation Bible School at church. They had a High Seas Adventure! She loved getting out of the house and playing all morning. Here are some shots from her program. She loves singing with hand motions!

This is most likely our one fruit from the garden this year. Best I can figure, it's just too hot to grow anything. Next year I'll have to get an earlier start. We cut this tomato up and gave it Calla. I thought she would enjoy the most out of all of us, and she did, except it just wasn't enough!

Mommy and Daddy took Leslie to her first movie in the big theater to see Toy Story 3! She was so excited and loved having the massive bucket of popcorn on her lap...

About 20 minutes in, she started crying saying she wanted to go home. We made it to the end, but will not be going back any time soon. This Toy Story was much more dramatic, action-filled (scary), and sentimental than the previous two. So any time the toys got in trouble or hurt or cried, Leslie would break out her tears for them, too. I told Barry afterward that I shouldn't be surprised she got so emotionally involved in the movie because one of Dad's favorite stories about my childhood was watching the movie Willow on TV with me... I got in a huge tizzy the entire way through worried the bad guys were going to get the baby. Leslie's personality turns out to be more and more like mine everyday!

Calla's favorite toy and word lately is "crown." She LOVES this crown of Leslie's. She carries it around all day playing with it. She's even learned to ask for "help" when she can't get it on the right way. Last Sunday, Barry let her wear the crown in the car on the way to church. We took it off for Sunday School, but as soon as we got back into the car, "Crown?" The poor girl doesn't get a morning nap on Sundays, so she almost always passes out on the way home. Here is HRH Calla is with her royal "cup-ay," "ssss-ck, "p-ceee," and "cr-ow-n."

And of course, Leslie needs her picture taken as well with her little diva pose...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Weekend Highs...

We found a new park in town that is a ton of fun! The girls and I had been there a couple times, but we finally found a time for Daddy to go with us. And with Daddy there, Leslie was able to climb all the way up to the top of the big rock wall! She was super proud of herself! It's a big deal anytime my cautious child has the bravery to do something new and outside her comfort zone! Calla, on the other hand, will probably be able to climb this next week:)

Our second "high" of the weekend was that Barry ran the sound for the Contemporary service at church Sunday morning! Our Contemporary service has alot of... problems, so Barry finally decided that he could offer his expertise running sound and let them worry about one less thing. He got his name in the bulletin and everything! He was trying to act nonchalant about it, but I made him pose for a picture with the bulletin. Unfortunately, he decided to be a butt and make a sassy face...

I told him he wasn't leaving until he smiled pretty. Here's my big boy with his name in the bulletin...

And a close-up on the actual bulletin with his name...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Baby Fairy Dress-up...

I have the cutest little girls! Calla LOVES playing dress up every chance she gets! She really wanted to wear the Cinderella dress this morning, but it's still way too big for her. I dug out this extra poofy tutu and she seemed appeased. As you can see, she also wanted to wear the wings. Sissy was nice enough to help her accessorise...
Cute Baby Fairy...

Most of our shoes are kept in the laundry room, but she found some Crocs that were left out from swimming and brought them to me. I had to aid HRH Calla with her slippers...

And of course, no Baby Fairy Princess would be complete without a wand...

This is my favorite age. I'm trying to treasure every beautiful moment without obsessing that it passes by much too fast.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dancing Redeemed...

As I hoped for, Leslie's dance teacher was more than willing for me to bring her up to the studio and go through her dance number for us to see. I gave Leslie the option of dressing up again or just wearing her regular leotard, and to my delight, she chose to wear her Cuddle-up Cub costume! Here she on her way to the studio for "take 2."
I'll try and post the video later (if Blogger will let me!) but here are some cute snap shots I got during the dance...

Here she is doing her boogies...

And a few tapping stomps...

Ms. Chelsie was so sweet to go through it all with her...

We haven't decided if we're going to try dance again next year. We're definitely taking the summer off to rest and re cooperate! I was glad we got a second chance to see our sweet girl perform! And I'm sure we got the best pictures of all the parents!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Water Sillies...

Calla has finally decided she likes the water! Even more than her swing!! Last week we got to have our first big splash time with Daddy. He even broke out the new water guns! Leslie and Barry ran all around squirting each other. Calla was happy standing in her little wading pool trying to avoid crossfire waving her water gun at the others...

She really liked stomping and splashing the water big...

After the water war, Mermaid Leslie decided to take a break in Rainbow Lagoon...

Barry was re-filling the little pool, and Calla decided she wanted to walk underneath the hose! Crazy baby... she just kept on doing it. She thought it was hilarious!

"Now my hair's wet, too! Weeeeeee"

Then, we set up the sprinkler. Once again, while Leslie avoids direct spray like the plague, Calla walks right up to the sprinkler and sticks her face in it! Again and again...

She had a blast! Cute sweet baby. We love the long nights and simplicity of summer...

Daddy swimming with both his girls...
We laugh that getting this picture was surprisingly easy because with Leslie wearing goggles, you can't tell she's looking off somewhere all crazy eyed. Maybe we should use the goggles in more pictures, water or not...

Saturday, June 5, 2010


It's a good think my girls have lots of energy and a fast metabolism because they like to eat! Leslie's newest addition to her table fun is this Wolverine cup...

One meal last week she asked Barry, "Daddy? Why does Wolverine look so angry?" Barry, having already identified which frame in which comic book this was taken from (Astonishing X-Men Vol. 1,) went on to explain that he was mad because he was having to fight Ord (the ambassador from planet Breakworld) because he was trying to destroy Earth because of the prophesy that Colossus was going to destroy Breakworld in the future. "Oh okay."

Leslie and I made cupcakes for one of my friend's birthday last week. Leslie's getting so good at following directions and reading the fractions. Practical learning! Of course, she just does it for the beater...

She said she got some in her mouth. I'm not so sure...

Calla usually gets a chunked up banana for her bedtime snack, but tonight I gave her the whole thing. Her eyes light up like Christmas morning! "Na-nee!!!"

And Leslie got enjoy the fruits of her labor for her snack...

"Ah deed eh!"

I've finally started trying to get Calla to use utensils to feed herself. Leslie was a natural and could feed herself yogurt and oatmeal by her first birthday. Calla is usually too hungry and impatient to actually take the time to learn. Up to now, at best, I could give her a spoon to dip some between me feeding her bites. She did really well this night feeding herself yogurt, but still hates any help or tips I try to give her. She's been eating her bites upside down like a Popsicle, but this night she had everything figured out and working well...

"Ah deed eh!"

("I did it!" for those of you who don't speak Calla)

And just like that, I'm one step closer for me to being able to eat a hot meal again...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Red Letter Family Fun...

Last Saturday night was a red letter day at the Brauchi's! We had the entire extended family over for dinner, and then, all migrated outside to enjoy the beautiful weather and beautiful girls! We got the bubbles out, and both girls spent a long time chasing, popping, spraying, stomping, and showering in them...

Then we broke out the watermelon! It was a really juicy and sweet one! We weren't sure quite how Calla was going to eat it, but before we could decide, she picked a piece up and started chomping away. I think she figured it out pretty well...

The camera was being super slow, so we missed all the funny faces she was making. She was really excited, but at the same time, completely focused...

Leslie went after hers like a little piggy, too...

I think this is piece #2 for Calla. The kid can EAT!

Afterward, Leslie got stripped down and hosed off...

Alison was taking the pictures. She was nice enough to wait until Leslie had her britches back on to take any pictures:) All clean!

Calla??? Still eating...

Then she got hosed off, too...

And what outdoor time would be complete without a little "Marvelball?" (A game Barry, Will and Ben invented when we first moved in.)

Keeping with Calla's life themes, if she's not eating, then she's swinging...

We finished the night with a little baseball. We used the big playground ball, but Leslie still did extremely well! And more importantly, had a lot of fun!

Action shot...

It's hard to tell from the picture, but this is Barry teaching her how to bunt...

What a great summer evening spent with family eating watermelon on the back porch. Isn't this what life is all about??