Friday, November 28, 2008

30 weeks

I had a doctor's appointment last Friday, Nov 21. It was just a basic check-up, but he also performed an ultrasound just to check baby's growth. He said everything looked great! She's still a girl, weighed 3lbs 9oz, and she's in the 59th percentile.

When I was pregnant with Leslie, all my doctor's office had was the regular ultrasound machine, but now they have these new fancy ones that show you actual 3D pictures of the baby. I had debated the entire pregnancy whether I wanted to see her face or not, but we were just doing all the regular stuff and then out of no where- he turned the fancy part on. Like passing a car wreck... I just couldn't look away.

It's still really weird and surreal. I don't know how this transposes to what she will look like at birth (especially since I anticipate her gaining alot more weight in the next couple months.) For what it's worth, here's the picture for all to enjoy or ponder...

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