Sunday, November 23, 2008

Santa visit

We went to visit Santa last Thursday. As we were standing in line, I realized that I hadn't briefed her on what Santa is all about. She remembers him and knows he says "Ho Ho Ho," but that's about it. So, while we waited I told her that Santa brings toys on Christmas morning to children who have been good all year, and I asked her what she was going to tell Santa she wanted. I gave her a few suggestions, and she seemed to be happy enough with that. When it was our turn, she walked right up and sat in his lap, but when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she got a big grin on her face and said "Cookies!" Obviously, my explanation was lost (or so I thought...)

The next day at lunch I thought I better try this whole Santa concept again. So, we went over it step by step and I again gave her ideas and I really thought she got it. When I asked her what she wanted Santa to bring her, her entire face light up and she shouted "Cookie Cake!" The sad part is, I think she definitely understands that Santa brings her the most coveted item on her wish list, that item just happens to be a cookie cake. I guess it's cheaper than an X-box...

Here she is with her friend Parker. They sure have grown...


  1. haha theyre even on the same legs each time. lol

  2. I've been so busy with sick Austin and being sick myself that I haven't done the blog thing for a week. I can't believe what I missed!! Congrats on potty training! She looks so pretty in her Christmas dress! Love you guys! Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!!
