Monday, November 3, 2008


Leslie dressed up like a Bumble Bee for Halloween. We never could get a good posed picture of her, but maybe you can composite the idea from these few...

Here she is up at Barry's work. All the kids come up and go trick-or-treating around the office. She filled an entire pumpkin with candy on this trip alone, so we didn't have to worry about collecting candy at any of the other events for the night. She would go up to people and say "Buzz Buzz- Sting!" and tap them with her wand. It was really cute:) This is also the only picture with her wings on...

After dinner, we went up to her "school" for their "Trunk-or-Treat." They had a ton of cars and trucks in the parking lot that kids could get candy from. I'm glad we had already met our candy quota because the line was incredibly long. Leslie of course, just wanted to play on the playground...

She also got to jump in a few big air moon jumpers which she loved. Here she is waiting in line for one...

After this, we traveled around town trick-or-treating, showing her off to a few friends, and then, called it a night. It was a fun Halloween! Now I need to start thinking on how I'm going to theme both my girls next year...

1 comment:

  1. What a cute little bumblebee!! Her hair looks really cute and I love the costume. She looks like she had tons of fun! Happy Halloween!!
