Monday, November 3, 2008

Tech vs. Texas game

Barry and I got to attend last Saturday's victory over UT!

Barry actually drove up with my mom and brother late late late Friday night after trick-or-treating so he could go to College Gameday Saturday morning. I made a couple signs for them to take, and after 3 hours of sleep, he and Ben woke up and headed to the set. You can see the signs pretty well a couple of times and if look really quick, you can see Barry's face during a big crowd shot. It was a dream come true for him! I'm just so glad we figured out a way that he could attend... and I'm thankful that I have a brother still under age that was able to wake up and keep him company:)

It was an amazing game! Of course the game was packed. The students did a really good job of "blacking out" the stadium. You can't really tell in the picture, but trust me that that's what you're seeing.

Here is a picture of the students rushing the field at the end of the game. The Saddle Tramps shoot off guns at the end of each quarter and the end of the game. Whoever was in charge of that needs to be fired because he kept shooting them off before the game was over, and therefor, caused the field to be rushed repeatedly with a second left on the clock. It was pretty amazing though when the student section emptied out finally and covered the field. And, we didn't even tear anything up this time! (The idiots on the goal post patrol need to fired too because they went ahead and lowered the goal post before the game was over!) We did lose a few benches in the student section on a big play, but I know how easily those things break from experience.

It made me a little sad to think about how old I am. I wanted to be young again and be sitting down there in the student section cheering and heckling and standing and jumping and rushing. But I am much too old, and currently, much too pregnant, to enjoy such mayhem!

We sit in the outside section with my brother, Ben. So, here we are documenting our attendance...

And here is Barry and me in another rare no-Leslie photo...

So where's Leslie??
We have awesome friends who offered to watch Leslie for us over the weekend while Barry and I relived our youth. The game didn't start until 7pm and it was just crazy and crowded, so we decided to leave her in Midland. Leslie stayed with Phillip and Jenna (Parker's parents.) They went to the park a ton, and they stripped Leslie down to her diaper and let her play and roll around in some mud they have in their backyard, and Leslie had her first sleepover... with a boy none the less:) The original plan was for Jenna and Baby Beckham to come back over to our house for the night so Leslie could sleep in her own bed, but she didn't want to, so they just gathered up her stuff and let her sleep with Parker in his full size bed! I guess they were plenty tired because Jenna said Leslie didn't move all night:) Hopefully, I can get some pictures of all the fun and post them for all to see! Mega thanks to Phillip, Jenna, Parker and Baby Beckham for helping us out!!! We love yall!

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