Sunday, November 23, 2008

No More Diapers!

We have had an eventful week around the Brauchi household. The first and most important development is that Leslie is now potty trained!! We tried over a couple days last month, and learned that while she can "hold it" for at least 6 hours, teaching her to "let it go" was more difficult. So, we decided to give up that round and try again over Christmas or spring break or maybe even the summer:)

But, she came home from school Tuesday wanting to wear panties, so I told her that if she went potty she could wear panties the rest of the night. She walked into her bathroom when we got home, went potty, put on panties, and hasn't looked back! The only accident she's had was Wednesday she pooped in her panties, but she even got that down by Thursday!

Here she is one Wednesday wearing her M&M's shirt to commemorate her first full panties day because she gets an M&M every time she goes...

We are starting to have some trouble in setting some limits and boundaries in her new found freedom. Such as, she'll go just little drops all morning and then fill up her pull-up at nap time which I think is very intentional. I know she can hold it through her nap because those first couple days potty training, she did. So, we might have to go just panties at nap and wet the bed a couple times to learn that lesson.
The other issue we are encountering is her wanting to use the potty out of boredom when we are out shopping or eating. Like I mentioned before, she can hold it for an incredibly long time, so we've been pretty good about letting her go when it's convenient and telling her she just needs to hold it when we know she just wants to have fun. And, she hasn't made me eat my words yet:)

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