Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nocturnal Escapades

Last weekend Leslie spent the night at a boys house, and then this week, we caught her trying to sneak out! The time change has REALLY messed up her sleeping. It wouldn't be such a big deal except she realized she can open her door and come wake me up in the mornings instead of playing in her room for a while like she has been since we took the side off her crib.

I finally realized I needed to be a little more proactive in correcting her schedule when I woke up one morning (after telling her to go play in her room for 15mins until my alarm went off at 7:30) and found her in the backyard playing in her pajamas. So, we went to Target that evening to get some childproof doorknob covers. Of course, they were out, so I decided we could make it through one more night without one.

So she comes and wake me up periodically throughout the night wanting to get up or have me put her covers back on etc..., so I get up and put her back in bed, no big deal.... Then I wake up to thuds. I'm not sure if she's in her bed kicking the wall or if she's out roaming the house trying to turn a movie on or something. So, I turn my head to expose both ears and get a better gauge of the sound. It's quiet for a while, so I figure she was kicking wall and I start going back to sleep.

All of the sudden I hear the back door open and her yell, "It's cold!" I told her, "Leslie Claire! Yes it's cold- it's 4:30 in the morning!" A cold front had moved through since her morning escapade. She had been on the back porch playing this whole time! I hustled her little hiney back to bed and didn't even have to yell at her... she knew. She slept the rest of the night no problems.

She was rather upset when she woke up in the morning to find I had gated her in her room:) Lord help me... While I don't think she's a terrible two, she certainly keeps me on my toes! Stay tuned for more wacky stories as we journey through toddler-hood together...

1 comment:

  1. lol - Aren't kids fun?! I think I was lucky in that when we took the doorknob cover off Joseph's room (giving him freedom to come out in the morning) his door was VERY creaky so the moment it opened my eyes flew open. :) He did venture downstairs a bit when we first moved to our new house and there was no creaky door for me to hear (and I was a very tired pregnant mama!) Good luck with finding some door knob covers!
