Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Health Report

Leslie had her 3 week follow-up with the ENT on Monday, and he said everything looks perfect! He also told us that as long as she doesn't dunk her head, we don't have to plug her ears for hair rinsing which was a huge joy for Daddy to hear since he's been fighting that battle every night. I don't know how we're going to handle the summer and swimming (he said to try silly putty in her ears) but at least we can survive through the winter! Leslie has another check-up in 6 months.

I also had a check-up this week. The doctor said the baby still looks perfect. She was head down which was comforting to hear. Leslie never flip-flopped around like this baby, so even though she might still turn breach again, it was nice to hear she still has the room to turn around and get going the right direction! I have another basic check-up Dec 16th.

That's all our health updates for now. Hope everyone is staying warm and healthy this winter!

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