Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Surprise Baby Shower

One of my good friends here in town threw me a surprise baby shower last week! I thought we were making bows and doing Christmas crafts, so I was totally blown away when I walked threw the door. I'm just glad I didn't change into my pajama's before I went over there like I contemplated! She even got me my favorite dessert... a cookie cake!

We played a game where I had to finish the nursery rhyme, and if I couldn't, then I had to wear something silly, but if I did, then I could pick someone else to wear it. I thought I would do really well at this game, but no so much....

Thank you to Jenna for being totally awesome and selfless and getting everyone together to have some fun and celebrate our new little addition!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, how sweet of them! And I love the game idea! I'll have to remember that one. :)
