Friday, December 5, 2008

Prayer request

Barry left yesterday to go take his Chartered Financial Analyst test in Dallas. From what we hear, it's a "man-maker" of a test! So, if everyone will just please pray for him, we would really appreciate it. I've been quizzing him alot and going over practice tests, and I really think he is ready. But, he is not a strong test taker, and I just pray he doesn't over analyze or misinterpret too many questions:)

When he gets home, I'm officially starting phase one of my self-prescribed maternity leave:) Phase 2 begins after the holidays, but I knew I couldn't leave all the Christmas wrapping and decorating and baking to him! I get the fun stuff, and he gets taking care of Leslie and cleaning:) Sounds fair- right? I have such an awesome husband! And it's even better this time around because he would rather clean house all day than have to study for that test!

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers!