Sunday, December 7, 2008

Test info

Well- Barry's back from his test alive and well. He called me Saturday at lunch after the morning section totally defeated saying that was so much harder than he ever anticipated it could be... But, he called me after the afternoon section and joyfully exclaimed that the afternoon half was super easy, and he even finished with 40mins to spare! So, he still doesn't have a good feel for if he passed or not, but he is a little more hopeful after it was all said and done. He should have his results in 6 weeks or so I think. I told him not to worry about if he fails it because in 6 weeks, that'll be the last thing on his mind with the new baby and such :)

Thank you all for your prayers!

I am so incredibly happy to have him back! God bless all you single moms or moms whose husbands are in the military or work a ton or are still going to school after working a ton. I, however, cannot do it alone. I'm sure being fat pregnant doesn't help my temperament! But now Barry is home and available and helping indefinitely. I've just got to try and let him without feeling totally guilty! These holiday babies are tough! Everything was so much easier with Leslie it seems:) So for now my mantra(s) are... One day at a time. It'll all get done. God is good... always.

1 comment:

  1. yes as hard as that is to remember some times, it all will get done and if it doesn't life still goes on.
