Monday, May 16, 2011

Start 'em Young...

For the last game of the season, we finally made it up to Lubbock early enough to go to Raider Gate and Raider Walk. Both the girls took turns trying to throw a football through a target. Of course, they didn't even get it half way, but they still got a Tech bag, so they were super proud!

Daddy with his sweet littlest Red Raider...

We were watching Leslie's friend, Maddie, for the weekend, so she got to come to the game too. She is being raised as a Longhorn, so we felt it was important to bring her with us and show her how awesome Tech is...

We all lined up for Raider Walk and helped rev up the players for the game...

They even got to meet the Masked Rider and get their pictures signed!

Playing outside before the game...

Playing inside during the game...

Afterward, Baron Batch, a local celebrity from Midland, was outside taking pictures...

Our trips to Lubbock are always fun and this one was one of the best! Can't wait for next year...

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