Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christmas in the City- Day 6...

On our last day in NYC, it finally warmed up into the 40's, so we headed out to Central Park. I was surprised by how fast we had acclimated to the cold... Leslie didn't even want to keep her jacket on at the play ground!

We rode the carousel...

And then we got to take a carriage ride through Central Park! Leslie was really looking forward to this, but the crowd was unbelievable thick. There's no rhyme or reason to getting a carriage, just luck of the draw. Luckily, Mitch was in his nice jacket and I have one of the cutest 4 yr olds ever, so he picked her up, muscled their way to the curb, and they had one waved down within 5 minutes! Once again, Calla fell asleep and could not be woken, but at least we have a picture to prove she was with us!

I wish we could see Calla better, but overall, this is one our best family pictures ever...

We are eternally grateful that we have family who love us and our girls so much that they will spend the time and money to give us these awesome opportunities and memories! Thank you!

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