Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christmas in the City- Day 2...

Day 2 of our trip was a big one! We began by waking up early (or not sleeping in) and heading over to Macy's to see Santa. The whole event was completely over the top amazing! Here's Leslie by Santa's sleigh...

Both the girls got to sit on Santa's lap and tell them all their wants and wishes. Or sit and smile awkwardly as it may be. I like this picture because it looks like Calla is really telling him what she wants...

We took the afternoon off and rested up because that night was...... THE ROCKETTES!! Barry and Mitch were not in NYC yet, so it was a girls night out. Mom and I (and the crabby man sitting next to us) were a little worried taking Calla, but you can't go to NYC at Christmas and not see the Rockettes!

Calla ended up doing great! She was quiet and attentive then entire time. The only time she drew any attention to herself was between songs when she would yell "YAY!" repeatedly and clap as loud and as fast as her little hands could. She LOVED LOVED LOVED it! Even the man who huffed and puffed when we sat down complimented her after the show! Leslie liked it alot, too. Her personality is just so different from Calla's to begin with. Leslie sat still and didn't move or blink the entire time. She was overwhelmed and mesmerized by it all. It's now 5 months later, and she is still practicing her kicks:)

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