Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ski Trip...

We had the awesome opportunity to go skiing with the youth from church in January. All we had to do was lead worship! The youth director has a couple of girls around Leslie's age, so Leslie got to come too (Calla stayed home for some special Grandmommy time.) Here's Leslie and friends before ski school the first morning...

"French Fries" down the slope...

Leslie and Daddy skiied together the second day. Her favorite part was riding the lift...

Poor Daddy just had to hold her under her arms and slide her all the way down. He was pretty exhausted after a couple runs...

Turns out, I still really stink at skiing, so I ran around the bottom of the mountain taking pictures...

Cute little snow bunny...

To end the day, Barry and Leslie got to tube some...

It was an awesome trip, and Leslie can't wait to go again!

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