Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christmas in the City- Day 5...

Barry got up early and took a big red bus around town seeing all the tourist spots. He insisted on riding on the open top level. I don't know how he didn't freeze! But he did get some really neat pictures. I'm glad he got up and made the most of his time in NYC (and that he was kind enough to leave me home!)

After lunch, Mom and Mitch stayed home with Calla while she napped so Barry and I could take Leslie ice skating. We loaded her up in the stroller and walked down to Bryant Park where skating was "free" and less crowded than Rockefeller. By the time you payed for skate rental and shoe/stroller storage, it was far from "free!"

I don't know why Leslie had her mind set on going ice skating. I know it looks like fun, but I also knew it wouldn't be. Barry and I took turns holding her up and pushing her around the rink. Talk about a workout! And it's not like we're very accomplished skaters ourselves! By the fourth lap, she was finished and ready to go home. Like everything else, I'm glad we tried and she at least has the memory of it. Next time, we might have to drive over to Odessa and practice beforehand! At least we got some good caramel corn afterward, so the trip wasn't totally a waste! That evening, my parents were busy with some business people in town. So after dinner, we walked over to Rockefeller Center with the girls to go to the "Top of the Rock." The tour guide on Barry's bus said the views from this building were the best in the city and not to waste your time at the Empire State Building. Always listen to the locals! He was right. Other than the pieces of glass, we had a clear view all around... no cables or wires to look through. Leslie kept scaring Daddy by putting her hand and arm out between the glass panes and feeling the breeze:)

I'm a little concerned that she loved the city lights so much! But she was full of energy running around spotting all the buildings, parks and the river. She is always enthralled by all the lights! On this level, she spent time jumping on the different squares the roof was made out of and shouting to every one that she can make the roof move! "Leslie, stop doing that, you're scaring people!"
Calla on the other hand, managed to sleep through it all. She went through security and everything and didn't bat a lash. We even tried to get her out a couple times. Tired baby...

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