Saturday, May 21, 2011

Daddy's toy...

This is a rare post dedicated solely to Barry... Now that he's playing in church band fairly often, he really needed a pedal board to help him transport tools back and forth more easily, but he didn't want to pay a ton for something he thought he could make himself. So he went to the hardware store and bought some wood, industrial strength velcro, and spray paint, then borrowed a jig saw, and a few days later, he had his perfect pedal board for a fraction of the cost!

He also realized he wanted fancy expensive guitar pedals, but didn't want to pay for them. So, he bought a soldering iron and now makes his own from scratch. He even made the decals!

I have such a handy husband! Now if only he could figure out how to fix the stove igniter and keep the shower from dripping...

Paper Dolls...

Our church gave all the children life-size paper dolls to decorate as themselves, and then hung them up lining the walls of the church for our special children's Sunday. Leslie, of course, wanted to decorate hers like a Fancy Nancy dress she has. Luckily, I have lots of extra fabric scraps, and taping it on the doll was pretty easy. Leslie helped me with the measuring, cutting, and taping... They were a bit more work than I anticipated, but they were cute when finished...
I cut pretty tissue paper squares for Calla's dress and then let her stick them on. It worked great for her age and turned out super cute...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Feb extra

Calla in her leotard before dance class...

Cute Calla in her Valentines clothes...

Sisterly bonding time...

This is Leslie performing a song she learned in church choir...

Cast Life...

Leslie adjusted to life with a cast pretty well. The first couple of days were pretty easy besides getting comfy to sleep. In general, she liked all the special attention and exceptions made for her... especially when it came to bath time and washing hair...

Learning how to fall...

February 18th was a beautiful Friday and the forecast was sunshine for days, so Barry and I decided to pack the girls up and head out to the local nurseries to buy some spring vegetables for our garden. We thought it would be a nice treat to take the girls to Chick-fil-A for an early dinner before hitting the last couple stops. Leslie ate her dinner really fast, so she got to go play in the play area while Daddy got her ice cream. Everything was good.

Leslie is always nice and overly cautious in these activities, so I wasn't worried about her. I sat at the table with Calla while she finished up her meal. Luckily, we had a table by the play area, so I could watch Leslie, too. She climbed up and twisted her way through the maze to the top of the slide. She slid down it and popped up with a big smile on her face. Then she started to hop back to the entrance... and tripped...

She immediately started screaming. I ran in there, picked her up, and she started yelling that she needed to go to the hospital. At first, I just thought she was scared and being dramatic remembering breaking her elbow last spring. I mean, how bad could she really have hurt herself falling on a padded floor? Luckily, this was not my first rodeo with her elbows. We came home, put ice on it and watched for any swelling or bruising.

By dinner, it looked fine, but she still wouldn't move it, so we decided to take her to the doctor. We had already contacted the family and had them on stand by. So with Calla's bed time approaching, we mobilized the troops. Mom and some other helpers came over to watch Calla, and Barry and I headed to the minor emergency clinic for x-rays.

Luckily, we didn't have to wait too long, because the PA quickly looked at her elbow and told us he was afraid it might be dislocated and the x-rays they provide are not sensitive enough to picture kids bones well. So now it's 9 o'clock on a Friday night, and we know the ER is going to be packed. She was in good spirits, it wasn't hurting her anymore (as long as she kept it still), and I could touch it without any pain. We decided to tough it out 'til morning, and if she still can't move it, Barry will take her first thing in the morning before it gets crowded.

She had a rough night... much worse than when she broke it last spring. She couldn't get comfortable all night and kept accidentally rolling on it and waking up screaming. Morning couldn't come soon enough. But in hind sight, I'm glad she got the rest she did, because I can't imagine us going through everything on no sleep in the middle of the night.

Barry was awake and showered before Leslie even woke up, and we had packed her bag the night before anticipating the early morning trip. So as soon as Leslie woke up, Barry rushed her out the door and headed back to the ER (which was now nice and empty). I, once again, mobilized the family unit to help watch Calla and then headed up to the hospital.

By the time I got there, she was already in a room and had x-rays done... so we were just waiting for the doctor to come tell us everything looked okay and send us home. She was in a really good mood and generally acted a ton better...

Then the doctor came in and quickly told us that her elbow was broken and needed surgery. They had already called the on-call orthopedist, and he would meet us at the main hospital. And then walked out to arrange the mandatory ambulance transfer. Wait. What? It was alot to take in and sort through with the clock ticking. After several phone calls and with much hesitation, we decided to have the surgery done as planned and prayed for the best. Since the surgeon was waiting on us to be transferred and the ambulance was taking forever to pick us up, the hospital went ahead and did as much of the pre-op stuff as possible. So by the time the ambulance picked her up, she had a gown on, an IV in, and blood drawn. She was really brave through it all and did as good as can be expected out of a four year old! She really liked getting to ride in the ambulance but was disappointed they didn't run the lights or sirens for her...

It was a whirlwind of activity as soon as we pulled up to the main hospital doors. They immediately rushed her up to pre-op. The anesthesiologist came and spoke with us, and then asked if his 12 year old son could watch. It kind of freaked me out to think about her being intubated and seeing the heart monitor cords stuck on. This was a full scale legit surgery. She was officially anesthetized for her ear tubes, but that didn't involve an IV or being intubated.

The doctor then came out and told us that he had looked at the x-rays, and her elbow was not broken which was a huge relief... but she did have a dislocation of the radial head which needed to be reduced. He showed us the x-rays and explained what probably happened when she fell was that she put her arms out to catch herself, and since her arms over extend a little, the Ulna flexed up and pushed the Radius out of socket. On adults, the ulna would have just broken, but since kids bones are so flexible, it simply bowed. He told us that it should be a really quick and easy procedure and that most of the time would be allotted to wrapping her cast. I was very relieved when he said that if for some reason it didn't pop back in easily, he would just wrap it up and send her to Lubbock to see a pediatric orthopedist. And with that- she was off...

As promised, the surgery was really quick. He came out, told us everything went great, showed us new x-rays, and said she should be out soon. I went back to sit with her while she woke up. She did not want to wake up for anything, but finally, with the help of some ice packs and the promise of ice cream, she came around...

She took a nap, ate some ice cream, used the bathroom, and was home in time for bed.

I am so thankful for all the family and people God has put in our lives to help us through these crazy times. I can't imagine having to go through all that with Calla in tow! And the orthopedist, whom we very anxious over because no one had heard of him before, turned out to be a Godsend. He's new to town, but is very good at what he does and is taking over a lot of the trama calls. He is a very direct and down-to-business man with Barry and I, which I respect, and he has 3 little girls, so he knows how to talk to Leslie well.

Leslie will continue to have regular check-ups with decreased frequency over the next 3 years just to make sure everything is growing right. Now if I can just figure out where they sent Sam Bradford to teach him how to fall right...

January Extras...

Leslie likes to draw things on the Magna Doodle alot, but they usually don't last for long. I actually got a picture of this sweet one before it was erased...

Calla in her princess clothes...

We found a trash bag full of stuffed animals I saved from mine and Will's childhood. Calla really liked Uncle Willy's dinosaur...

Calla's 2nd Birthday...

Calla's 2nd Birthday Party was so much fun! I got another use out of her Halloween dress... but this time I put some wings on her to transform her into a the cutest little baby princess fairy ever...

She chose Rosa's for her birthday dinner and got to wear the special birthday crown...

Ski Trip...

We had the awesome opportunity to go skiing with the youth from church in January. All we had to do was lead worship! The youth director has a couple of girls around Leslie's age, so Leslie got to come too (Calla stayed home for some special Grandmommy time.) Here's Leslie and friends before ski school the first morning...

"French Fries" down the slope...

Leslie and Daddy skiied together the second day. Her favorite part was riding the lift...

Poor Daddy just had to hold her under her arms and slide her all the way down. He was pretty exhausted after a couple runs...

Turns out, I still really stink at skiing, so I ran around the bottom of the mountain taking pictures...

Cute little snow bunny...

To end the day, Barry and Leslie got to tube some...

It was an awesome trip, and Leslie can't wait to go again!

Our little New England...

Every winter Leslie looks forward to playing in the leaves, and this year, Calla got to play too! We have 3 big trees between our house and the neighbor's, so when all the leaves fall, they get trapped and pile up well. That little 20 ft square is our piece of New England:)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Christmas Morning...

We had alot of fun Christmas morning! We were able to take it easy and go as slow as they wanted. It always takes forever opening Christmas gifts because they want to stop and play with each one!

Calla's favorite again this year was a box...

Calla got a trunk for all of her dress up clothes. Leslie would hide in it with whatever toy she was playing with so Calla wouldn't bother her...

Like always, Santa brought Leslie a cookie cake...

Christmas 2010...

Our church doesn't do an early kids Christmas Eve service anymore. The weekend before, they have a event called, "One night in Bethleham" which is a walk-through interactive telling of the Christmas Stroy. It's fun for the kids, but I still always feel weird not going to a Christmas Eve service at the church. However, it is easier to fit all of the other activities in and still get to bed on time! All the family came over for Christmas Eve dinner and and presents.

Leslie held Jordan captive in her room playing Zingo...

Granddaddy had to help watch and feed the baby...

Then Grandmommy had to rock her to sleep...

Ben ate caramel corn by the fist full...

We took a picture of the girls' loot after Santa came...