Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Houston visit/plague...

We spent several days of July in Houston with my family. Of course, as soon as we got there, Calla got a horrible horrible horrible stomach bug, which she gave to Barry, and then Leslie got it our last day there. My family also shared it with several other family members. Since I'm not sure if we will ever be invited back, I figured I better post all the cute pictures we got in between sicknesses.

One of the favorite activities is playing with the silicone baking supplies my step-mother has graciously donated to the toy pile. You can nestle them, stack them, drink from them, or wear them as hats...

Leslie loved having so much attention and so many people around to play with her. Uncle Willy even used some vacation days to spend time with us! And she loooooooves her Uncle Willy!

The piano and organ are a magnet to young fingers! My brother, Zac, went to help hold (and supervise) his daughter, and Calla decided to climb right up, too!

It was cute seeing him old both the sweet girls and to see the girls actually playing together some...

Grammy likes to read to her sweet grandbabies...

On Monday, we went to the zoo! Daddy had to stay home with Calla because she had been up with "the sickness" all night and needed some rest. It was really hard for me to have Leslie because my family doesn't always realize that her top speed falls just above lolly gagging. Luckily, Uncle Willy came to the rescue and helped me carry her around quite a bit. She loooooooves her Uncle Willy...

Her and Uncle Willy stopped to take pictures at everything we past...

We visited the elephants at the perfect time and got to see them all getting their daily baths. It was very cute and astonishing to watch this baby elephant. It was running all around and trying to escape through every bar/opening he could find. He tried sticking his head through, then maybe start with a foot, then tried backing through all while running laps around his mom. Made me miss Calla:)

The zoo had a special dinosaur exhibit set up. Leslie wasn't too sure of it at first...

Once we convinced her they were entirely fake and not going to eat her, she warmed up to them...

It was so hot and humid while we were there! And the worst part was that there were scattered storms around most days, so we didn't get to the pool much. We finally made it one afternoon and got to swim for 40mins before they blew the whistle for thunder:( Such is life. We all had fun while it lasted!

On Wednesday, we went to the children's museum. And while it was really good, it was all a bit overwhelming for us from a small town. I discovered later that the crazy crowd was due to a special "make your own ice cream" exhibit that was going on that day (and we didn't even get to see!) At least we know that there is alot to go back for!
We ended up playing in the toddler section the entire time. Leslie likes baby toys best anyways:) Here's a picture of my beautiful niece, Kate, who is just a few weeks older than Calla...

A rare shot of the two girls playing together. Even Binx was having fun!

We ended up staying a extra day because Leslie got sick. It worked out well for the rest of us because we finally found time to crack open the watermelon Dad bought for us!

He didn't realize it was yellow when he bought it, and while it tasted really good, it was a little surreal eating it. I felt like my eyes were trying to trick me. Calla, obviously, had no trouble with the color change...

The allure of the piano is more than they could resist...

EVERY spare moment Leslie had, she would sneak off to the computer and "farm" for Grammy...

Of course we finally take a good family picture with both girls looking and smiling at the camera and it's the morning I decided not to wear make-up! Oh well- beggars can't be choosers...

Sickness aside, we had a really good time in Houston and hope we get invited back soon!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Summer Evening Bliss...

We love lazy summer evenings. It's too hot to play outside during the day, so we usually go for a stroll up to the park or open up the back door and let the girls run around until bed time! Being as they both weren't wearing clothes, we decided this would be a more appropriate backyard day.

Calla's climbing ability (aka superpower) keeps us on our toes. We got this playground when Leslie was past 2. She couldn't climb the ladder on the back side of the swing set at all, so we decided to leave every other board off of the rock wall for her to use as a ladder. It was still difficult, but manageable for her.

Calla, on the other hand, could climb both the rock wall and ladder before she could walk! We tried taking the bottom board off to make that first step too big, but she has no trouble pulling herself up with the arms until she's up high enough to get her knee on the board! We tried to teach her that her climbing it was not allowed, but that was a horrible failure filled with screams and tears and too often, an early end to our play time. So, we finally gave in and resigned to "spotting" her on the way up should she fall. She rarely misses a step, but even when she does, her grip has always been strong enough to hold herself on and pull herself back up to a step. Now we just let her go for it, and hope that if she misses a step, her grip will hold until we get there. So far, our gamble has paid off...

Most parks we go to have extra long landings, so the kid doesn't come rocketing off the end of the the slide, but not the one at home. Calla has just recently learned to put her feet down at the end of the slide. She still "prefers" someone to catch her at the end. It's funny letting Leslie do it because "catching Calla" pretty much means Leslie standing at the bottom of the slide with her arms locked out straight at Calla. Seems like it would hurt one or both of them, but they always make it work and have lots of fun!

Sometimes, Leslie has to deliver various packages/buckets to different people via the slide...

Then there is clean up time with her beloved Ariel...

Funny Trains...

The train set has made a comeback around the Brauchi household! Now that Calla is a little older and doesn't just want to destroy everything, it has become alot more fun! Barry has really made some amazing track set-ups for the girls to enjoy! He likes to take pictures of his favorites...

Leslie's great at helping find Barry the pieces and setting up all the necessary accessories such as guard rails for the down hill turns. Her primary function is, of course, conductor...

Calla thought this train set-up was the best thing since diced tomatoes! She laughed hysterically at it rounding the track...

Funny train...

"Did you just see that train go down the crazy hill? Hilarious!"

She was laughing so hard that she was seriously losing her balance...

Sometimes it's the simple things in life that bring babies the most pleasure...

And, finally, an areal view of the track with the little conductors...

When the humor had faded, the amazement still remained...

July 4th...

I'm super bummed that I lost my camera before downloading our 4th of July pics because I had some great ones! Luckily, my friend took some cute pics that I can share with yall...

My beautiful firecracker...

We had two couples over for hamburgers, hotdogs, and of course, watermellon...

This is our friend, Ethan, who celebrated with us...

Later on, everyone but me and Calla (who was already in bed) went over to the backyard of our friends the Harrises (who happen to live right by the ballpark) to watch the only big fireworks show in town. Here the kiddos are playing while they wait...

We finally got to use some of the sparklers we still had from the wedding! Here's Ethan's mom, Kara, enjoying a couple while she waits...

Leslie made these super cute special "Fireworks Watching Glasses" in Sunday School that morning. So, of course, she had to put them on for the big show!

Once again, I'm really upset I didn't get our pictures uploaded. I would be alot more okay with people stealing my camera if they simply left the memory stick for me to have:(

For example, I don't have any pictures of Calla, and she was super cute! I made her a red, white, and blue tutu for her to wear to church. She's usually the only girl in her SS class, so I take full advantage of dressing her up! And she wants to wear a tutu most days anyways!

Friends have been hard for us to come by, so it was extra big blessing to have good friends with good kids, good food and good fireworks to help us celebrate!


Calla LOVES playing dress-up! It is not uncommon for me to have to wrangle Calla on the way out the door and take off her 10 necklaces, 7 bracelets and tutu. Lately she has been experimenting with her accessories. I never know what she's going to come out of Leslie's room wearing! Here's a little montage I like to call "Mash-ups..."

Purple Flower Fairy

Dora Hip-Hop Princess Fairy

And finally, a Princess Fairy Construction Worker

After several changes, Calla even convinced Leslie to have some fun, too!

Bunny Cinderella Princess

I love my girly girl, Calla, and my sweet Leslie.

The other evening before baths I made Calla take off all her necklaces. She grabbed them with all of the strength her little hands had and started crying/screaming, "Noooooooo..... Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiine........." It was sad, but still made me laugh a little:)

Stormy Weather...

Midland rarely gets calm summer storms, but with all the hurricanes rolling through Texas and Mexico, we actually had several mild days with rain this year. It's hard keeping everyone inside in the summer... especially when we didn't have school or anything else going on to get some energy out! So, Daddy came home from work one evening and told the girls to suit up! Calla was a little scared at first, but Leslie thought it was all sorts of fun...

Their favorite part was getting to go down the slippery slide. Daddy had to hold their hands to make sure they didn't go rocketing off the end...

Poor Calla just didn't understand why we didn't have the pools out, too. She kept walking over to the patio and trying to pull them out...

Leslie decided to be brave and tackel the slide solo a few times. She could stop her feet, just not the rest of her:) She fell out like this every time, but she kept going back for more...

And like all our outside adventures, Calla would simply rather swing...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Calla took some Mom-and-tot "swim" lessons while Leslie did her lessons in the other side of the pool. I quickly discovered that Calla was made for the water! She loves swimming! Every time we pass the building she starts yelling, "Yea! Fimming! Yea! Fimming!" and laughing uncontrollably!

One of the things we work with them on is "turn-arounds." Theoretically, I'm trying to teach her to get back to the side of the pool should she fall in. Calla just thinks I'm swimming her around in a big circle! I can drag her underwater some and she does fine. She holds her breath well and doesn't mind getting all wet!

I thought her natural intuition/buoyancy in the water was amazing. She would put her arms over one of mine, and she naturally knew to layout flat to stay afloat. I could even just put arm floaties on her, and she could keep afloat by herself!

"Zoom to the wall" is always a fun activity. Calla learned to put her arms out and grab onto the wall. Most everything they try and teach at this age is getting back to the wall...

"Hey- put me back down and zoom me some more Mom!"