Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chunky Monkey's Health...

I forgot to mention in my last post that Calla's massive weight gain is due to her milk allergy.
One of the reasons it took me so long to figure out what was going on with her is that she didn't have the classic symptoms associated with a milk allergy. Most kids refuse to eat because they feel so bad. However, a small portion, including Calla, misinterpret their stomach pain for hunger, so she wanted to eat all the time. I knew it was more than most kids, but Leslie was a chunk too, I thought, and who am I to tell her when she is and isn't hungry? Hindsight is always 20/20- eh?

So- I took Calla back to the doctor today, and he confirmed that her left ear was very infected. At least it's not a soy allergy! The doctor laughed at how I can diagnose them so well after Leslie's abundant history. I said, "I knew something was wrong when she was only taking 3oz bottles. You don't get to be 13#11oz at 9 weeks with 3oz bottles!" He gave her a full 2 weeks of amoxicillin after I told him this is the same thing Leslie would do... she didn't get them a ton, but it would always take 2 or 3 rounds of antibiotics to kick them. He made a joke about scheduling her for tubes but recanted when I took him up on it. She has to have at least 6 in a year. We've had 3 in the month, so we're off to a strong start:( If we can just get over this one, I hope we can stay well until the fall at least. One day at a time...

1 comment:

  1. You are a great Mommy.
    Poor little monkey...
    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
    Love, Aunt Pat
