Monday, March 2, 2009

picture updates

I finally have both the girls down at the same time! Let's see how many pictures I can get on here before one wakes up...

This is how Calla prefers to spend her days. I can do anything from dishes to vacuum with her in this pouch. I only wish she wasn't such a chunk!

Here she is holding her head up. Pretty impressive for only a month old I think!

And I caught the end of a smile. She smiling more these days, so hopefully, we'll catch a full smile to show everyone before too long!


  1. Cute cute cute! We just got the birth announcement. Thanks for sending it! She's precious!

  2. she acts like she is gonna be an over achiever like beckham. I have one of those pouch things too. I loooove it. I go everywhere with it. Your girlies are looking good.

  3. Leslie looks so angelic holding Calla. We got the birth announcement on Saturday. Calla is the same weight that Braeden was when he was born.
    You have two beautiful girls!
