Monday, March 30, 2009

Calla's allergy and sickness...

So- here's my explanation (or excuse) for why blogging has been so sparse lately...

When Calla was about 6 weeks old she got a stuffy nose. I didn't think anything of it at first... weather was crazy and Leslie was stuffy, too. I thought it was allergies or a cold Leslie brought home. So, Calla stopped sleeping well, stopped eating well and was generally fussy, but how can anyone really judge a newborn's "normalcy" at 6 weeks?

I took her to the doctor after a week because she just wasn't getting better, and I wanted to make sure nothing else was going on... turns out she had a couple of ear infections. She got some antibiotics to fix the ears (and hopefully the sleeping) and said I would have to ride out the nose trouble.

So, another week past with no change on the nose situation, and she was continually worse on eating and crankiness and sleeping, so I got on-line and did a little research myself, and decided she might have a cow's milk allergy. We switched her to soy formula and saw an immediate improvement in her nose and behavior. Slowly but surely she's been getting better on all frontiers.

She's been on soy formula for a little over and week now, but these past two days, Calla has been little difficult and she's not sleeping well again. We'll see how she does tonight, but I think I'm going to take her back to the doctor and have her ears checked tomorrow at least. I'm just praying that it's an ear infection and that she's not developing a soy formula allergy because then we would have to switch her to the even more expensive hypoallergenic formula. So- that's why I've been out of the loop.

Pray for us to know what to do and how to help our baby girl, and pray for our sweet Calla to feel better. We just want everyone to be happy and healthy!


  1. Poor baby ! I'm sorry you are going through this w/ Calla - it is no fun ! Are you guys going to have to put her on Nutramigen ? that stuff is super expensive - I hope not !! (expensive and stinky ) I will keep your little munchkin in my prayers that you can get to the bottom of it all !! Hang in there mom !!!
