Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2 month pictures

I've caught Barry putting Calla to sleep like this a couple times over the last week. She seems to like it, but I always make him move her after she's asleep because it looks so uncomfortable.

Here's the official 2 month pictures. They all came out dark, so I think we're going to take some more before she changes too much.

As this picture plainly shows, she was 13lbs 4 ounces which puts her off the charts. And she was 22 3/4 inches long which is in the 75%tile.

1 comment:

  1. Erin - Calla Grace is absolutely adorable ! She is really getting big fast ! And Leslie - when did she decide to grow up ? I absolutely LOVE the expression she has on her face when she's looking out of that play house !! Priceless! So when are you guys gonna come to H-town so I can meet that little princess ?

    How are you ? How is life w/ TWO ?
