Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Random Pics and Funny Stories...

Our fail-proof smile maker... Like most girls, she loves having her hair played with... hers just happens to be really short.

Leslie licking the beater after helping me with her birthday cake.

Leslie's party was alot of fun- pictures and details to follow...

I Different:

Leslie has been really into a PBS show called "Super Why!" lately. Her favorite episode of the week deals with Pig being upset because he is "different." All week long, at random moments in the day, Leslie will get a frown on her face and say, "I just different." So dealing with that has been pretty comical in and of itself, but then the other night she got in trouble for something and Barry told her to go to her room because she was going to get a spanking. The whole way she was covering her heine looking back at him and crying, "I different! I different!" Maybe if she was a little more typical she wouldn't be getting the spanking!

Lesson Learned:

We are still constantly getting on to Leslie for putting things in her mouth... her hands, toys, crayons, blankets... EVERYTHING! The other night was a sweet little victory for us in that she got half an Easter Egg caught in her mouth. It was hilarious! One of those times you wish you had the camera closer (or were a little meaner and make her wait while you find it) and take a picture to laugh at later. Barry was helping me give Calla a bath and then all of a sudden Leslie comes running around the corner, hands flapping, half crying, obviously scared because she has this egg stuck in her mouth. It was night and a purple egg, so it took him a while to even figure out what she was freaking out about. He really couldn't get it out the way it was turned, but she finally screamed big enough that he managed to pry it loose. Is it mean I think that's hilarious? So, she at least doesn't stick Easter eggs in her mouth anymore. We're still working on the rest...