Saturday, March 6, 2010

Snow Day...

We got 4-6" of snow here a couple weeks ago! Snow is rare for us, much less this much! It was on a Tuesday, so I was a little worried with how we were going to manage playing in it alone. Luckily, Daddy came home early for lunch and spent a while (after he changed) outside with Leslie. Had I know it was going to snow this much this winter, I would have invested in some better snow gear. But alas, layers had to do. I did convince Leslie to wear different mittens that are much too big, but at least they're warm (and she didn't have to wear baggies over them!)

Of course, eating it takes top priority...
Calla woke up right after the big kids went outside, so I dug through her closet and boxes of Leslie's old clothes to come up with some layers and shoes, so she could play, too! The only shoes I could find to fit over all her layers were some of Leslie's old swim shoes! At least they were water proof. I'm so glad I had the next size boxes out of the attic to go through!

I didn't think Calla would like it a whole lot, especially since it was so deep. But I stuck her on a flat spot so she could walk some, and she actually really really loved it!

The snow was pretty fresh, so it was hard to make a big snowman, but Daddy did manage to pack together a little one for us to enjoy (notice Daddy had to go gloves with baggies!)

Belle did not like it as much. Poor dog is so OCD she had to go all the way around the outside edge of the fence to get the farthest corner to do her business. It was pretty deep for her. She finally found an adequate spot then quickly made her way back to us. I had to pick her up and carry her back to the house because her little paws were so frozen! "What did you learn???"

Here's a little snow bunny next to our snow man...

And here's my three snow friends...

Leslie put the finishing touches on the snowman with green sidewalk chalk and the chalk bucket...

To finish her experience, Leslie laid down, made some snow angels, and rolled around it in some. I thought this was a good picture to see how deep it was...

Once the snowman was made, the sun came out, and the snow quickly started to melt. Both the girls were ready to come inside and warm up. Poor Daddy had to quickly change back into his suit and scurry back to work with just a bagel for lunch. We were so thankful that he got to come home and play with us though! It probably won't snow like this again for SEVERAL years! We're glad everyone had a chance to play and enjoy the big snow day!

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