Friday, March 26, 2010

Family Fun...

My cousin, Sarah, and her family came to visit us again a couple weekends ago. Ava LOVED our dog. She followed her around and pet her literally the entire time. For some reason, she refused to learn her name or even acknowledge she was not a he! Belle loved it either way...

Ava and Austin also loved Barry's drums... until one accidentally hit the other in the head and the other hit back etc... But it was fun while it lasted!

It was such a cold and windy day outside, we couldn't play outside, so we packed up and went to the Children's Museum. Here all the kiddos are "shopping..."

I think Calla would have watched the fish tank in the lobby the entire time if we would have let her...

Here's baby Emma. She's such a good baby! She just sat in the stroller and chilled the entire trip. We never heard a peep!

Here the kiddos are cooking in the mini-kitchen...

This was our best attempt to get all the kids in a picture together. Calla is not in the picture because she is still looking at the first fish tank and not willing to try another...

Sarah got this great picture of Calla! Big ol' toothy laugh....

If I would have been thinking, this car would have gone away for the day. The only reprieve Belle got was when Ava wanted the car. They all played in it/fought over it all day long! It's hard entertaining everyone inside!

Although we were stuck inside, it was still a great day. They have not moved out of state, and I have no idea when I'll get to see them again:( I'm so glad we got to see each other twice in their short stay in Texas! Poor Leslie woke up Saturday morning asking to play with her friend, Ava. I tried telling her that she'd moved away and it wasn't possible, but she just doesn't get it. Love you and miss you all!

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