Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Panties and more...

Barry and I always wait to sort laundry until after the girls are in bed, and inevitably, their laundry gets thrown in a pile against the wall to sort tomorrow (or the next day... or the next...)

So, Calla was down to her diaper helping me pick out clothes for her to wear, when she came across some of Leslie's panties. She was SO SUPER HAPPY! She knew exactly what they were!

She smiled really big, picked them up, then started putting on her belly... like they were going to magically wrap around her little body and stick...

She wouldn't let me have her pair, but I got a different pair and let her try them on. She was absolutely giddy! And the funniest thing was that they fit perfectly! (over the diaper of course)

So despite the cold, she walked around for quite a while strutting her big girl panties...

Now if only I can get her to wear them without the diaper underneath!!
On a related note... Barry and I can not figure out why Calla's breath and diapers have smelt like Spaghetti O's the last week. We thought it might be the beef and tomato ravioli's she's eaten lately, but I haven't given her any in several days... and still... Spaghetti O's...

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