Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cousin Sarah Visit...

My cousin, Sarah, and her family came to visit us last weekend. Both the kids and adults had so much fun together. We hardly ever see each other since they're usually out in California, but they're living only a couple hours away for a few months, so we're trying to take full advantage of it while it lasts! Here is Ava and Austin on the green swing, and Calla (with sun shield) enjoying her baby swing...

The weather was sooooo gorgeous! We played outside for a long time. Ava and Leslie (with Daddy's help) played a long game of "Watch me throw this ball on the roof!"

Here is my beautiful cousin with her son Austin and Leslie, all playing in the princess castle...

Her husband, Adam, got stuck on the sidelines holding baby Emma (who is currently sporting the most extreme mohawk I have ever seen on a baby!!)

Not sure where the kiddos are, but Barry decided to play in the castle by himself until they returned...

We have a huge planter box on the back patio right now until we can figure out where we want to put it. We threw Calla in it to keep her contained and out of the big kids way! Helped keep her safe!

We did let her out to play in the castle some, too...

And here we all are at the end of the day before they had to pack back up and make the sad drive home...

Hopefully, we'll get to see each other more before they have to move away! I know we would all enjoy a little more play time!

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