Friday, September 4, 2009

Summer Catch-up 1

I know it's been much too long, but here's a quick update to get everyone caught up on our summer. We've been staying very busy traveling most weekends during July and August.

Here is my best friend, Julie, with her new born, Evin. The girls don't know it yet, but they're going to be best friends when they're older...

We went to Pampa for Barry's 10 year high school reunion. We had so much fun getting to catch up with people and just have some adult time. There was a meet n' greet at the country club Friday night, a family picnic Saturday, then dinner and dancing Saturday night. It was amazing to see how people have changed... and how some haven't. Barry won "Least Changed." I guess he's still the super nice hottie he was in high school! Here we are at the family picnic...

MiMi and PawPaw were gracious enough to watch the girls for us while went out and had all this fun. They had all sorts of fun playing in the water, gardening, crafting, and simply swinging...

PawPaw saved a row in his garden for Leslie to plant some black eyes peas...

And Calla got to take her first sink bath...

Here's a picture of Calla's skin rash. It started on her back just looking like prickly heat, but then it started to clump up and crust over. Once it started to creep down her arms and be on her knees after naps, we finally figured out it was the laundry detergent. It took us a while to figure it out because I had been using regular detergent for a couple months, and it was so localized the doctor didn't think it could be the detergent. So we went back to the baby detergent and it finally cleared up after a couple weeks. We just have to be careful that everything from clothes to sheets to car seats to blankets are all baby washed!

We didn't take any pictures at my family reunion this year, but while we were in Kerrville, we snuck out to visit Mary Cole's dad and let him meet Calla...

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