Friday, September 18, 2009

Leslie's trip to the Big Apple...

When Grandmommy and PaPa heard that the Little Mermaid Broadway musical was closing, they had to rush Leslie up there to see it! Last week Leslie was at the farm picking and shelling peas and corn, and the next, she's in New York City taking all the bright lights and tourists stops! Here she is with Grandmommy by the Mermaid poster...

Here everyone is after their carriage ride through Central Park. Leslie told me her horse's name was "Ice Cream" and that she got to feed him a carrot.

They took her all around and got pictures everywhere, but since it rained most days, most of the pictures are at night, and so, they turned out pretty blurry. Here's a decent picture of her in Times Square...

They took her to the Magnolia Bakery a couple times. This cupcake made the entire trip worthwhile for her I'm sure...

Mom said Leslie would stand at these windows all day and night mesmerized by the lights and busyness of the big city below...

Here is Leslie after they went to the show. She calls it the Mermaid Concert. She also got a special Mermaid shell purse...

They said she got a little antsy, but over all did very well and enjoyed herself!

Of course they had to go to FAO Schwarz and let her play on the BIG piano. Mom said she was scared of it, but she pushed her out on to a little bit anyways...

Leslie had a great time and plumb wore herself out. This entire big bed to herself, and she sleeps curled up in one little corner, with her booty in the air like a little baby and her hair flopped over her face. Too cute...

I don't know if Leslie likes the country or the city more. She's seemed pretty amazed at both. I guess she'll be well-rounded if nothing else!

Thanks to Grandmommy and PaPa for taking Leslie on her adventure! Hopefully, this is just the first of many! And hopefully, Calla can be well enough for us all to come along on the next one!

1 comment:

  1. Leslie was an absolute angel on this trip!! We can't wait until we can all go. But...Leslie's not sure where Mommy & Daddy are going to sleep. This is "my bed!" Grandmommy
