Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September fest

Last weekend Leslie and I went to September fest. The whole family was supposed to go, but it was just too cold and windy for that baby, so Barry graciously offered to stay home with Calla so I could go play with Leslie! We spent way too much time in the jump house, but that's what made her happy...

The line to get her face painted was forever long! So, while I stood in line, I dropped her off at all the little crafts they had set up around the tent and told the girls helping her to take their time! Here is the mask she made...

She insisted on theme-ing everything mermaid... again...

She road the train...

And she had a ton of fun in the petting zoo! It's amazing how durable these little chicks are. She thought it was pretty cool that she got to hold several chicks and ducklings. Once they showed her how to hold them, she just picked up one after another forever! Leslie was really gentle with them, and you could tell how proud she was of herself! She would, however, still not touch the turtle.

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