Friday, September 4, 2009

Trip to Mam-maw's

We went to Lubbock for Will's graduation in August! We failed to get any pictures of it though because logistical errors with the camera, but we got some cute pictures of the girls!

Leslie, Paw Paw and Mam-maw drove out to the farm/garden Saturday and picked a bunch of fresh food for everyone to eat. She loved being out there in nature and running around. Here she shelling some of the black eyed peas she picked...

And shucking corn...

She absolutely loved the corn. It was really good and sweet corn, but she ate it by the truck loads...

(OK- some of those were mine and Barry's too)

We tried to wait and leave at nap times, so the girls would sleep some in the car, but the goodbyes were taking too long. Calla cozied up and fell asleep on Paw Paw's shoulder in no time. Sweet girl loves her Paw Paw...

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