Friday, September 18, 2009

Leslie's Decorated Room...

While Leslie was gone to New York, we jumped on the chance to finally decorate her room. It's had plains walls for much to long. I could never decide what I wanted to do, but nothing makes decisions for me like a deadline!

I hand painted a verse and flowers all around the top as a border. It probably could have looked better, but it took me all weekend and 3 coats of paint to get it to this point. I just decided we were going for that rustic garden look anyways and left well enough alone...

It turned out really well overall. Here's the far wall when you walk into her room. The left side is meant to be her dress-up corner with her chest full of all her dress-up clothes. And, the right side, once finished, is going to be a ribbon memo board for hanging all her art projects and stuff on. It's meant to look like a garden lattice, we'll see if that comes across once it's done. All of Midland ran out of ribbon to finish it, but I finally got some more yesterday, so hopefully, it will be finished soon. Barry and I were very proud of ourselves for making one on this scale. We'll see how well it works when it's all said and done...

I printed out the verse to scale I wanted to paint and taped it on the wall to help with my spacing, and then, I just painted it above and hoped for the best. Some letters are funky looking, but once again- it works for the rustic garden look I was going for:) I wanted something nature-y for the verse, so we chose Dt 32:2, "Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants." I'm not thrilled with what's over her bed, but it at least gets something there until I can find something better.

Here's another wall. It's really unfinished too, but it gives me something to work toward...

Here's the other half of the verse and what we finally got hung over her dresser...

I was so pleased that we finally got some decorations up in her room and made her residence feel a bit more permanent! I've been pregnant or dealing with a fussy newborn since we moved into this new house. Hopefully, this home improvement will be a catalyst for the long list of other decorating projects I have in mind. Stay tuned for more on- The Brauchi Experience:Home Edition...

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